Our Mission |
Every project of Our comapny have
requirement to make perfect. Highly professional management and best engineering quality obtain good comments from building's owner, becoming
company. Our comapny focus on Finanical control, occupational safety, working period, quality assurance and so on. The detail is following: |
(1) Finanical Control
Our comapny downhold engineering costs to assure that all of cost do not beyond client's budget, to indirectly protect customer right.
(2) Quality Assurance
Every project of Our company use electrical & mechanical department recognized supervisor" to monitor the working procedure of site, and carry out inspection by licensed person, to assure qualify of work.
(3) Occupational safety
To achieve highest safety standard, our company conform to requirement of building department and labour department, to provide necessary safety accessorie for worker, and make full &
decorous site safety policy. All of staffs must obey and operates.
(4) Working Period
Our comapny provide work progress report to owner and architect for reference, and follow work progress instruction to carry out the project, to complete the porject on time.
Our Vision |
Team work, cost effectiveness, relentless quest for success, entrepreneurship, professionalism, continuous improvement to achieve:
- Fulfil both Government and corporate objectives
- Maintain financial strength
- To provide comprehensive fire engineering services with zenith quality and safety
- To deliver our services with innovation and professionalism
- To care for the environment of our stakeholders
- Develop sound business partnerships
- Build teamwork and commitment in staff
- Serve customers and meet performance pledges
- Encourage initiative and reward success
- To be the industry leader
Our Objective |
- To be a world leader in providing quality engineering services on the basis of prudent commercial principles.
(C) WKS Fire Engineering Co. & WKS
Engineering Ltd All Rights Reserved
Office Address: Room 1, 5/F Tai Shing Industrial Building, 273-279 Un Chau Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
Workshop Address: Rm 4, Block A1, 15/F., Kin Hing Industrial Bldg,
17-23 Shek Kin Street, Kwai Chung
Tel:(852)2625 5554 Fax:(852)2625 0035 Email:info@wks.hk
Update Date: 25-8-2011
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